Did you ever thought what let termites to get into your house? Do you leave open doors or windows for them? Alternatively, they have the map of your house and know all termite entry points?
Actually, there is nothing like that. Even if you close and seal all the doors and windows or put a lot of checking barriers in the house, termiteswillfind their way inside. It is a sneaky bug that can make its way into your house.
The only solution you have to avoid the termite infestation and stop its entry is the termite home treatment. With the professional termite control services in Pakistan, it is possible to stop termites to invade in your house.
On the other hand, by knowing everything about their entry points you can secure your property.
What are termite entry points?
Termite entry points are the possible spaces from which termites can invade in house. Normally we have three leading types of termites, subterranean termites, dry wood termites and damp wood termites. These types have numerous species and different properties as well.
Coming towards their entry points, then each of them have different entry points. These are the points and procedure these termites use to enter in your house. Being aware of these entry points will help you to be prepared for what is coming up to your house.
Subterranean termite entry points
Subterranean termites are also known as the underground termites. These are the most common type of termites. In most of areas around the globe and all over Pakistan, subterranean termites are active. They make colonies in the soil and grow from the ground.
Following the conventional colonial system of termites, these termites grow in soil and feed on wood. The common entry points of subterranean termites are the following:
Mud tubes and drop tubes
Another name or subterranean termites are the tube termites. These termites cannot survive the air and heat so they travel using some mud tube. Workers form the colony make these mud tubes and travel in them. They use these tubes to lead their way anywhere directly or indirectly.
They do not need any efforts to make the tubes but just require a surface. Sometimes you can see these mud tubes approach the walls, door, floor and windows. These termites infest the conventional form in a place.
Another entry method these termites use is the drop tubes. Sometimes you might not see the mud tubes crawling up on the wall but hanging from the roof. These are the drop tubes coming out of a leak or hole that termites found sources from another place.
It is another entry tactic these termites use to enter in your house and spread all over the place.
Leaks and cracks
The other entry points for the subterranean termites are the leaks and cracks on the wall, roof, boundaries, ground floor, doors and windows as well. These are some of easy and accessible entry points for termites. You need to keep an eye on these leaks in order to avoid their penetration.
Some of the houses have siding as an additional layer on their house outer boundary. These siding are a kind of covering or insulation on the walls. Apparently,these work great to maintain temperature and give an extra coverage to the walls.
On the other hand, these are a kind of entry point for the termites to enter in the house. If you are not paying attention to the gaps between sidings, it will lead you to face issues with the termite infestation.
Just be sure of keep an eye on the siding holes and cracks to end up with a greater and balanced termite protection of your house. Even the termite proofing in the siding will help you to get the better response.
Drywood termite entry points
Another threat to your wood installations is the dray wood termite. It is not as same as subterranean termite they do not travel in tunnels but have other ways to penetrate in the house.
If you have seen any flying termites ever then these are the dry word termites. The swarmers in these termites are the drivers for the workers from one place to the other. The swarmers fly into the house directly to the wood.
Therefore, whenever, you see the flying ants in the house, and then make sure you are not going to ignore their existence. These are not the flying ants but flying termites that are quite different in nature and have their own way of entering in the woods.
Common entry points for dry wood termites are:
- Window opening and cracks
- Infested wood place in or near house
- Fire wood stock
- Wall cracks and sheds
Dampwood termite entry points
Last but not the least in the list. Experiencing damp wood termite infestation in Pakistan is rear. It exists around the world but not in Pakistan. The termites are different in nature and have their specific existence in damp wood only.
These termites do not need tunnels and tube to travel as they take moisture from wood itself. Normally, it infest in the wood that remain in contact with soil or garden or an open moist space. There is no flying involved in the infestation process.
Just contact from soil is enough and these termites can easily feed on the wood. It is common to observe these termites in open and moist spaces.
Bottom line
If you are worried that your termite treatment home is not working or efficiently protecting you then you need to check termite entry points. Mostly, people do ignore these entry points while securing their home from termites.
Before getting the ultimate termite treatment, you need to check out the entry points that termites are using. At Tahir Termite Service, we believe in checking and filling up these entry points in the initial inspection. It helps to make the overall treatment efficient and effective. Eventually you will get a long-term response.

Looking for pest controlled services your research is over. Contact our team of dedicated professionals to check out our quality services designed to meet your exact means. All of our professionals have lots of experience in delivering a wide range of solutions and options we're confident that you'll be completely satisfied all our services or carried out to a standards leaving you with great results.
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